Is a Facial Massager the Secret to Firmer, Tighter Skin?

Posted by runbinci on

In my humble opinion, the best part of a facial, esthetician appointment, or skin treatment is the face massage. There's something simultaneously relaxing and invigorating about it; I always suspected that it was great for my skin, but it turns out that it's even better than I previously thought. There are many benefits to frequent facial massages. It's a short addition to one's skincare routine that greatly enhances the skin's appearance. Plastic surgeon Melissa Doft agrees: Facial massage devices can be helpful in increasing blood flow, leading to decreased puffiness and improved circulation,patients find that they appear more awake and radiant.

Facial massage may be quick and effective, but it's still a technique with a right and wrong way of practicing. In other words, it doesn't involve rubbing or pulling the skin. Instead, it should be gentle and thoughtful. That's why it might be time to invest in a facial massage device. These devices are clean, easy on the skin, and super effective.

The Benefits of Facial Massages

Facial massage can improve the appearance of your skin in myriad ways. It improves circulation, relaxes muscles, and tones: "First," Engelman says, "massaging the facial skin helps to relax the muscles that tend to cause stress lines. The stimulation of the skin results in increased circulation, which ultimately helps produce collagen and elastin."

Graceanne Svendsen, an expert esthetician from Shafer Plastic Surgery, says she practices facial massage on her clients often. "By doing facial massage, the texture of the skin is improved by virtue of manual stimulation and flow of lymph. Facial massage detoxifies the skin—both lymphatic drainage (fluid) and the exfoliation effect of getting rid of dead skin cells." That's why she likens facial massage to a "workout for the face." She approves of devices that have LED lights, can be cleaned of dirt and bacteria, and are safe enough for sensitive skin.

At-Home Facial Massages

Svendsen says the power of human touch is incredibly powerful. "The healing effect of human touch has been clinically proven and well revered," she says. "Our parasympathetic nervous systems and neurotransmitters like oxytocin and serotonin respond to another human's touch in a most profound way. When I am massaging my patient's face, I am literally creating a healthy energetic to share with them, similar to that of hands on reiki."

However, it's unrealistic to visit a dermatologist or esthetician every single day for a facial massage. That's where these at-home devices come in. "Massage 'machines' could be beneficial as a secondary home device done by the patient as a means to 'keep up the good work' and practice self-care," she says. In this way, a professional facial massage is like a personal trainer, whereas a massage device can be thought of as at-home gym equipment; it's still important.

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